Anxious or Depressed? Free coaching:
I.M. Empowered 3 Dec 2020
Empowered is defined as: the authority or power to do something.
No doubt, I have an authority to use my own life.
I also do have authority and power to spread the gospel. The good news of Jesus Christ.
Having written about my authority I am quiet for a moment. I say it again: I have the power and the authority to spread the gospel. Who gave the power? My Creator. Who gave the authority: Jesus Christ and some of his representatives on this earth. As a Catholic I derive the authority based on my baptism and confirmation. All believers are called to make Christ known.
First of all in pursuing the peace of God. I must live in truth. Next I am called to be generous in loving God and my neighbour. Again: I do have power and authority to love!
And there is more. God gives gifts of the Spirit to equip me for my mission. I may ask for more gifts. Saint Paul encourages us to eagerly desire the highest gifts (1 Cor 12,31), especially prophecy (1 Cor 14:1).
Father God, I pray for the gift of prophecy. That your word may be known. And I thank you for all the gifts you have bestowed on me and your church(es). Teach us how to use your gifts effectively.

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