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PSALM 47 - God Reigns 18 Dec 2019
God reigns over the nations. What would that mean? I could think of a few possibilities:
1) God has a lot more influence in this world than we assume.
2) God may judge and reign over the nations at the end of the times.
3) God likes to redeem the people of all nations through Christ Jesus and thus through Israel.
Since God has created the world, I believe all those option could be true. God has the power to shake the earth and thus our security.
Music for the King
I like the expression "learn the music" in verse 7. I need to learn a new song. I ask God to teach me a new song. I am very willing to learn.
Psalm 47
1 [For the choirmaster Of the sons of Korah Psalm]
Clap your hands, all peoples,
acclaim God with shouts of joy.
2 For Yahweh, the Most High, is glorious,
the great king over all the earth.
3 He brings peoples under our yoke
and nations under our feet.
4 He chooses for us our birthright,
the pride of Jacob whom he loves. Pause
5 God goes up to shouts of acclaim,
Yahweh to a fanfare on the ram's horn.
6 Let the music sound for our God, let it sound,
let the music sound for our king, let it sound.
7 For he is king of the whole world;
learn the music, let it sound for God!
8 God reigns over the nations,
seated on his holy throne.
9 The leaders of the nations rally to the people of the God of Abraham.
The shields of the earth belong to God, who is exalted on high.
Excerpt from THE NEW JERUSALEM BIBLE, copyright (c) 1985 by
Darton, Longman & Todd, Ltd. and Doubleday, a division
of Penguin Random House, Inc. Reprinted by Permission.

Learn the Music
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