Anxious or Depressed? Free coaching:
Vacated 24 Dec 2018
On a Monday just preceding Christmas, most people are on holiday in the Netherlands. On an ordinary workday the bicycle parking at the Eindhoven High Tech Campus (HTC) is always packed. Today it was rather vacated.
Almost holiday at Eindhoven High Tech Campus.
Still some people are working
I still had a little work to do. I checked my email. Our colleagues in Asia still work. It was quiet on the work floor. Early in the afternoon I left and I made the picture above.
It looks somewhat messy
Normally I don't observe. Today I observed all the autumn leaves and the garbage. Normally the place is filled with bicycles and I do not see the mess. In the winter time I arrive in the darkness and I leave in the darkness. Today however, there was daylight shining.
What would happen when the light of Christ shines in my life?
I would expect two things:
1. I would expect it brings joy.
2. When the light shines longer I may observe some mess
that I could not see before.
Hopefully the joy of the light of Christ may give me courage to face my smaller or bigger issues with a new hope.