Anxious or Depressed? Free coaching:
I.M. Owed 5 Aug 2021
What are my rights in this world? What does the world owe to me?
The world does not seem to care at all about my needs. I am just one out of 7 Billion needy persons.
A community, parents and God should be more interested in my needs.
When I am a member of a community and willing to care for my role, the community on their turn owes me a few things. I address here a Christian community. Such a community should reflect 'the Kingdom of God' and is called to be 'a' Body of Christ (See Corinthians letter).
I am considered as a brother (or sister). In my opinion, the community owes me:
- Love
- Training
- Opportunity to use and develop my talents
- Means to live, especially when I perform a task in service to the community.
- Correction when I behave irresponsible.
Father God, please guide me into a life-giving community.