Anxious or Depressed? Free coaching:
I.M. Woeful 14 Apr 2022
It is not yet Good Friday. I know. Nevertheless on Holy Thursday, the passion of Christ starts. The image I choose is a long forgotten Jesus. Who on this world believes in a God who created his (my) world, the world where he is presently living, a woeful world. How on earth could we forget about our Creator?
Perhaps most struggle with unbelief because of the appearing indifference of God. He sees all the pain in this world. He could act and solve it all. The church leaders should act and solve all the hardships in the world.
Perhaps I do not believe in myself. I can blame God and perhaps the church. I can blame others. It all does not help. It adds up to my own woeful feelings.
I should have faith in the one created in the image of God. Which is? You guess. It is I. I am the number one whom I can activate to care for some woes in this woeful world. When I can't trust, value and accept my own life, it is very hard to accept God.
Jesus, make me a believer. You said that I can do the same works as You did, even greater!
John 14:12 Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. (NIV)

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