Anxious or Depressed? Free coaching:
I.M. Violent 4 Apr 2022
When the people of Israel rebelled in the desert, even God got violent. Fortunately, Moses interceded successfully. If he had not, Jesus could not have been 'son of David'.
My violent urges need to be managed. How does that work? It needs someone to listen first, and then to plead for mercy. Moses reminded God to his own promises. Isn't that smart? I love it.
My Promises
There are at least two big promises in my life.
1. I have offered my life to God. Including my wealth and health. As a consequence, I have never more any right to complain. All that happens to me, I shall consider as God's will for me. I am committed to endure that with patience and respect for God and mankind. A small comment: I am still responsible to care for what has been entrusted to me. That is because I am God's servant.
2. I made wedding promises. I will be faithful to Millet. Both in good times and in hard times. I shall love her. I shall respect her. I shall be patient with her, with everything she does. It is my duty to care for her.
Ai, ai, ai, what happened with my violence? At least, I have little right to be violent. It may need an intercessor to calm me down.
Holy Spirit, please intercede for me in your unspeakable utterances. And please remind God the father to the promises he made to me.