Anxious or Depressed? Free coaching:
I.M. Intelligent 7 Apr 2021
Recently in a movie I heard the advice: "Think with your head, not with your heart." Did you ever see a thinking heart? I can't remember. However, frequently I have seen that my heart made unpractical and by times unfriendly decisions. My intelligence can help.
My mind can only assist when it is asked for help. I need to become aware that decisions coming from the heart can cause trouble. When my heart's emotions (e.g. frustration, anger, fear, etc.) lead to bad or unloving responses, I need to practice 'awareness'. I need to know that by times my mind stops protecting me from bad actions. I recommend to write down in a notebook events which have touched my emotions and events which disturb or hinder me. In this phase I just 'observe' the cause of or reason towards my emotion.
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I need to name what I am angry about, what made me frustrated, what I am afraid for, etc. Again, write it in the notebook. The description does not need to be perfect. It should reflect what I believe at the time of writing. I might be surprised or shocked: "Is that really me?" I need to accept what my heart tells to my mind.
And since I am intelligent, I can test if my belief is accurate. Is my fear realistic? What is the chance that my fear will actually happen? Evaluating the potential threat towards a more realistic and usually much smaller anticipated trouble is a great help.
Now I can make a more wise decision. I can live more free.
Since no habit develops without practice, I need to use my intelligence regularly. In this case I need to practice regularly writing down what bothers me followed by checking my emotions and beliefs.
Jesus, please teach me the practice of moderation.

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